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2018 - Stuart Lynn, APSA, via FaceTime

PSA Southern California Chapter


2024 - Diane Peck 

2019 - Kyle Deeley-Hargrave received Award

           for Shadi Sayes who was in Jordan


The Chapter's Service Award was created in 2017 by Chair, Joanne Stolte, FPSA, MPSA.  The Chapter's Service Award is presented each year at the Chapter's Annual Photo Event to a deserving member who demonstrates tireless energy, time, dedication, and exceptional service to the Chapter. The Chapter Service Award, in extraordinary cases, may be awarded to a non-member who has been an "angel" to the Chapter, providing goods and services of significant value that contributed to the success of a Chapter Event. The individual's contribution is specified on the plaque. It is the Chapter's highest award. In 2020 an Exceptional Service Award was presented.

2017 - Ken Cordas, APSA

 2020 - Joanne Stolte, HonPSA, MPSA, EFIAP, ESFIAP,                received Award at home after 2020 Chapter

            Event was rescheduled

Previous Recipients of the Chapter Service Award:

2017 Ken Cordas, APSA: Development & Maintenance of      

        Chapter Web Site. 

2018 Stuart Lynn, APSA: Development & Update of Chapter

        Event Online Registration & Email Notifications.

2019 Shadi Sayes: Goods & Services for 2019 Chapter Event:

        Meeting Room, Studio & Instructor, & Drawing Gifts.

2020 Joanne Stolte, HonPSA, MPSA, EFIAP, ESFIAP: Restarted

        Chapter in 2013; created & implemented Chapter Event,  

        website, and Facebook page.

2022 Kathy Newman: Explored potential sites and provided

         equipment for the 2022 Event.

2024 Diane Peck, APSA, QPSA: Maintained Website, explored               new websites, and made name badges for all Events.

2022 - Kathy Newman 

PSA Southern California Roundup Chapter Service Award