Older NewsCopyright © - Southern California Roundup Chapter of PSA - All rights reserved Webmaster
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PSA Southern California Chapter
9/19-24/2015 – David Somali-Chow – I took a three-day Great White Shark Expedition diving trip to Guadalupe Island, Mexico. I have included photos of divers in the cages to share what the experience is like for anyone who would like to safely photograph Great White Sharks .....
7/19-8/21/2015 - James Wat - For years I travelled globally on business and had no opportunity to take photos. My retirement is allowing me to go back with my wife, capturing and sharing my memories. On July 19 we left LA for London and spent a week there before boarding a cruise ship at South Hampton. A 14-day Baltic Cruise took us to Bruges, Belgium; Berlin, .......
1/13-1/18/2016 – Sandra Crantz – Early in 2016 I had the pleasure of going on a photography workshop with Wild Compass Photographic Adventure Tours to The Triple "D" Ranch in Kalispell, Montana. It was well worth enduring the cold and wind for the excitement of seeing these beautiful animals in the snow .....
8/29-8/30/2015- James D. Smith - While tattoos may not be your cup of tea, body art is a living, breathing graphic art form. Originating over 5,000 years ago in nearly every human culture, tattoos may bestow individual and cultural identity and instill feelings of fascination and admiration as well as disgust and revulsion .....
7/31-8/2/2015 - Larry Cowles - I’ve always been fascinated with Hummingbirds, so fast, so colorful, and so small and dainty. They have many of the attributes that attract photographers yet make them hard to shoot. Years ago while living in Bakersfield one of the better Nature photographers ....
10/16-23/2015 - Gary Potts - There’s a whole other world in the southeastern part of the US, reachable by flying to Savannah, Georgia and renting a car. You’re a short drive to Hilton Head Island, but for a photographer, more awaits you in Savannah and Charleston ....
2/5/2016 - Gary Potts - What a wonderful Walkabout Photo Shoot many area PSA members enjoyed during the SoCal Chapter Event held February 5, 2016, at Huntington Beach, CA. The first shoot had two pirates that were dressed perfectly and playing their parts to the fullest! The light was harsh, but we all managed what I’m sure will be a fantastic collection of poses, compositions, and techniques ....
Area PSA members can share their photo adventures by sending their thoughts (no more than 300 words) and up to nine photos (with the image title as the file name, and no larger than 700px on the longest size) to the Chair. A member's personal Blog can be linked from the member's Chapter Blog submission.
9/11&13/2015 - Francois Swart - As photographers, we are always trying to find our next evasive “best” photo. Being it abstract, landscape, portraiture, photojournalism, etc. Is it possible to discover that next “best” photo in a ghost-town? Maybe, maybe not .....